How-To: Addressing Wedding Invitation Envelopes

How-To: Addressing Wedding Invitation Envelopes

Addressing wedding invitation envelopes requires a balance of tradition, formality, and etiquette. Here's a guide on how to properly address wedding invitation envelopes:

Outer Envelope:

  • Use full names and formal titles (if applicable) for the recipients.
  • Use proper titles such as Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc., unless you're certain that the recipients prefer less formal titles.
  • Spell out all words completely (e.g., "Street" instead of "St.").
  • Do not abbreviate names or titles.
  • Avoid using symbols such as "&" in formal addresses.


Specific Examples:

Married Couple with the Same Last Name:

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP Code


Married Couple with Different Last Names:

Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Jane Doe

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP Code


Unmarried Couple Living Together:

Ms. Jane Doe and Mr. John Smith

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP Code


Family with Children under 18:

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith

Children's Names

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP Code

(for several children: "Kylie, Kyle and Savannah Smith" for 1 single child "Kylie Smith") *No titles are used for children under 18*


Family with Children over 18:

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith

Children's Names

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP Code

(Titles should be used. For example: "Ms. Kylie Smith and Mr. Kyle Smith"


Single Person Invited with Guest:

Ms. Jane Doe and Guest

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP Code


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