eco friendly wedding invitations
If you haven’t considered eco-friendly wedding invitations, it’s time to do so. As everyone says, “your invitations are just going to end up in the trash anyways.” Unfortunately, that statement is probably true. Wedding invitations can be a waste of paper which is why digital invites, wedding websites, and Facebook events are becoming more and more popular. However, if you knew that all of your invitations were eco-friendly would it make a difference in your decision?
There are a few ways to make your wedding invitations eco-friendly. The most important + easiest is using 100% recycled paper. People assume that recycled paper doesn’t have as high of quality as the more commonly used paper. This is suchhhhh a myth. ALL of my invitations that I design are printed on 100% recycled 110# paper. 110# is the weight of the paper. Your invitations should be printed on anything between 100-120#, meaning the recycled paper I use is still just as thick as other non-recycled papers.
Another myth is that recycled paper “looks recycled.” Nope, not true. The recycled paper I use for my invitations hardly has any specs at all. Of course, when you realllly look at the paper, you can see tiny little specs because that’s what’s expected. However, if you have a colored background- those specs practically disappear. Take a look at the photo below of a close-up of my recycled paper.

If you look at the photo above, at first you probably don’t see any specs at all on the recycled paper because that’s how minimal they are. Let me point one out to you so you can see what I’m referring to. Look at “The Cork Factory Hotel” and then look right above the “r” in “Cork.” See it? Now look around for another one of those specs. I can’t find one. THAT’S how minimal the specs in recycled paper are.

Now of course, you’ll get different quality and types of recycled paper depending on where you order or print from. That is why it is crucial to do your research or work with a professional designer who knows the best sources.


The next biggest myth on eco-friendly paper is the cost. It is assumed that with anything eco-friendly or recycled it is automatically more expensive. Obviously this can be true but it depends on where you are ordering from. For my business, all eco-friendly paper that I use is the exact same cost as non-recycled paper. So it’s truly a no brainer for me. High quality + competitive pricing? SOLD. Like I said, it truly depends on where you are ordering from. There are some printers out there who up-charge their recycled paper 2-3x more than their regular paper. Of course that is going to turn customers away. However, I have done extensive research to find the printer with the highest quality and the best prices. In the case of working with recycled papers, I whole-heartedly believe it is best to work with an invitation designer. Otherwise, you are going to be putting in a lot of money where it isn’t necessary.


The next way to make your invitations eco-friendly is by using recycled envelopes. Recycled envelopes can be a little tricker to find but luckily almost all printing companies offer Kraft paper envelopes as shown to the left. However, it is crucial to know that not all Kraft paper is recycled. Therefore, it’s important to actually ask your printer if the Kraft paper envelope they have listed is truly recycled. The printer that I source my Kraft paper envelopes from states that their Kraft paper is made from 100% recycled content. LOVE THAT!

Again, I personally believe it is essential to work with a designer if you are wanting eco-friendly wedding invitations. Otherwise you are going to be spending A LOT of time searching for recycled papers and envelopes and potentially A LOT of money when you think you have found the best bang for your buck.


So there ya have it! The best 2 ways to make your wedding invitations eco-friendly. Recycled paper + recycled envelopes! Sounds so simple doesn’t it! If you really chose to DIY eco-friendly invites, please do your research and compare prices. Don’t pay an extra arm and a leg for recycled paper because I promise you it is affordable! If you chose to work with a designer, they should absolutely not upcharge you for recycled papers.

I hope this blog has helped you to weigh your options and consider recycled goods for your wedding invitations! Let’s make 2021 the year of sustainability and helping to save our beautiful Earth.


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